Check-in For Good Apps

Touchpoint Tagger 1.0.1
The SmarterPlaces Touchpoint Tagger isanadministrative tool for adding NFC tags to yourSmarterPlacesaccount. All you have to do is log in to yourSmarterPlacesaccount, enter a name for your tag, and touch your tagto your NFCenabled device. Your NFC tag will be added to youraccount andlocked so it can't be tampered with. You can alwaysupdate thecontent you are delivering with your NFC tag usingtheSmarterPlaces dashboard.There are a wide array of NFC tag types and manufacturers.Tomake sure your tags are accessible across all devices, wesuggestusing NTAG203 or Topaz512 tags.
Check-in for Good 2.21
Check-in for Good is a free crowdfundingappthat turns your everyday actions into donations for the causesyoucare about!-Create your own campaign. Your cause can be anything you needtoraise money for!-Encourage businesses, friends and social networks to give toyourcause-Update supporters on your progress with photos and videoDo you need to raise money? Start your own campaign. Name it,setgoals, add photos and video and start sharing to receivesupport andbuild loyalty with cause marketing.Make events to encourage people to give! Donate your birthday,awedding or a holiday to raise money for something youcareabout.It’s like 4square or Facebook Places for charitablegiving!Download Check-in for Good now to start doing good with yourcheckins.For businesses/ organizations:
* Raise money for a cause youcareabout by checking in at a participating business (By checkingin atbusinesses you frequent you raise money and receive exclusivedeals)

* Share your check ins on Facebook & Twitter to berecognizedfor doing good and promote a great cause.
How it works:Pick a cause, visit a business supporting that cause, check in,theydonate, you share, your cause receives a donation,everyonewins.*Whether you are an organization or individual Check-in forGoodis tailored to help you support the causes you care about bymakingfundraising easy. 
What elseyou cando:
Search for businesses inyourarea that are supporting causes and doing good. (With hoursofoperation, “map it” feature, exclusive offers and more).
Receive exclusive offers from participating businesses whenyoucheck in.
Browse a list of causes, choose as few or as many asyouwant to support or add your own cause.Choose to see the businesses that are supportingyourcauses.
Privacy settings are available (i.e. delayed checkinnotifications).
No personal information is shared about you atanytime.
It’s Free!!! – You will never pay anything to usetheapplication!
Just check in and enjoy doing good at no costtoyou.

Dogoodby helping the businesses and causes thatyoulove
Causes of all types and sizes can benefit – You can use it foryournext fundraiser. 

Download the app today!